Sunday, July 18, 2010

Office Before and After

After about 100 garage sales and endless hours searching online for the perfect bookshelf. I did what any person would do... I bought a new one. But of course my search it not complete without finding the best deal. So I went to Ikea and found the one I wanted. At the end of my hour maze through Ikea I found myself in the AS-IS section. There it was the same one I was going to buy 40% off. The only hard part was I had to take it apart myself to get it home and then reassemble it again. So they handed me one little tool and I gave everyone a show taking apart the biggest bookshelf ever at the exit of Ikea on a Saturday afternoon no less.

Check it out below and you will see what I'm talking about.


Lamb4Liz said...

I can't believe that no one helped you take it apart. Sure looks good!!

Anonymous said...

That is really nice. you are so good at finding deals!! is that the vase we got at Marshals or a new one??

Jessica and Todd said...

Thanks;) Thats the one!