Sunday, October 30, 2011

Jenne's Pumpkin Dish

Just in time for the holidays! A friend of mine had me over for dinner and made this amazing meal, that was so good I made it a few days later.

This would be great for a dinner party, because it is easy and looks impressive:)

Here's the recipe:

Ground beef
Frozen bag of peas and carrots
1/2 onion (I added this but it is good without too)
Chili Powder ( I added this too because I put it in everything)
Garlic salt seasoning
Soy Sauce
Rice Vinegar

* Cook it all together until the beef is done
* Add bread crumbs until it is thick
* Scoop out your eating pumpkin (seeds, and some of the strings)
* Add the beef mixture, put the lid back on the pumpkin
* Cook at 350 for 1 hour

Then you have this amazing meal! If you know me at all you know I love food, but can not cook. So here is something delicious that even I can make:)

Breakfast Table re-do

This post is for a good friend, who is going to refinish a dresser for her baby on the way!

My Breakfast table was a find at a garage sale and it only came with three chairs. Which is fine for us, so it was a steal! I had re-upholstered the seats when we first got it, but the color stain just didn't go with the rest of the house. So here are the steps I did to make this piece look a little more like it fit in the our home.

First, if needs to be cleaned VERY well with a degreaser. All the pledge I used on this table needed to come off if any paint is going to stick to it.

You will then lightly sand it with 120 sand paper. Only lightly, you don't have to get any varnish off, this is just to get it where paint will stick to it.

I then, use primer that comes in spray form and prime away. After Primer is completely dry, you can start painting whatever color you are going for. I used an antique white, but in the pictures it looks a little more stark then in person. I did several thin coats to make sure in went on evenly and would last a lifetime if I wanted it to.

After you paint is dry, and you added enough coats, you will sand it down where you want it destressed and worn. We you do this, think about the areas that normally would get worn, like edges. Then you sand off the paint so the under color of wood is showing.

After you have in sanded how you like it, you can add a varnish. Shiny, satin or flat totally your choice. Just keep in mind if you go flat, it is not as easy to clean, especially on a table.

And here it is, all in a day or two's time:)