Tuesday, July 13, 2010

Mystery Chair Reupholsering

Check out this $5 find at a G-sale. It almost didn't make it in our car, but Todd was determined and I'm so glad he was!

Pretty bad rip, Right!

I removed all the wicker and made sure it was all smooth.

First I had to start backwards and put the green back on with a heavy duty staple gun. Then I added a little padding and started nailing down the webbing. This was my first time doing this and it really was not that hard.

You nail 3 nails in the webbing then trun the webbing back and nail 2 more nails.

More padding. This foam is about 1 1/2" thick.

Staple down muslin to curve out all the foam. Make sure you start from the middle and then work your way out to the corners. The curve of this chair made it a little challenging to get it smooth.

I wanted it to be really comfy. So more padding!

Nailing down the fabric.

Finally the nail heads.

And here it is! So here is why I called it a mystery chair. See under the arms of the chair there is another piece of wood. Well that piece actually swings all the way out. So...Our guess is that it might be an old birthing chair. Any ideas on what it is for we would love to know.