Tuesday, July 13, 2010

Joys of having a dog

As I was upstairs painting the 2 rooms I looked out and did not see Lola who was in the back yard. Frantically (I mean running down the street barefoot almost in tears), I see my neighbor who I have yet to meet mowing his lawn.

I scream, "Have you seen a little white Bulldog? I'm Jessica by the way"

Neighbor: "O yea I'm sure she is in my backyard, She has been coming over for the last 2 days and I have just been putting her back in your yard."

Apparently Lola has been using the fence as a doggie door. The bottom cedar planks were rotted out so they just swing back and forth. Lola may look all cute, but this isn't here first run in with a fence.

My Parents said they really needed a vacation and they really wanted to come up and see the place. So here my Dad is on vacation! Thanks Dad. I promise if you guys come again I won't put you to work.

Of course Lola has to be in the middle of things.
Here I am tearing down one of the tree's in our back yard. While my Dad is using his vision on the potential of my yard. My Mom is here but as always, she is the one taking the pictures. Thanks Mom for all your help, behind the scenes!