Sunday, September 5, 2010

Front Yard Reveal

Last weekend Todd and I landscaped our front yard with my Dad's design. Here is our before!

Todd picking out plants at the nursery.
Here it is all laid out.

Todd even put lighting in, I was so impressed. Once we got all the lighting in we found out it is not very common around our neighborhood. The kids in our block didn't understand why our tree's needed lights. They think it is so Todd and I can climb our trees at night! haha

A night shot. It really doesn't do it justice with my camera.


Anonymous said...

Looks great Jessica! I was excited to see that you had a new post up. I wasn't sure how often you updated.

Lamb4Liz said...

Your yard looks awesome - good job! Can we use it in our portfolio?

Anonymous said...

Jessica this reminded me of wall project in your dining room. Enjoy!

Jessica and Todd said...

I really like what they did with that mirror. Super cute! Thanks for sharing