Todd is officially hooked on Mexico. My family has been going for years and we could not wait to take Todd here.
Here is Pepe, the man who told us about the Turtles and is in charge of the Tortuga society here in the East Cape. He said that every turtle lays around 100 eggs and only one of those turtles will make it to maturity. Pepe finds where the Mama Turtle lays her eggs and then marks it with sticks. The eggs hatch in 45 days and Pepe will go and get them and then release them into the sea. Apparently the turtle's need to find their own way to the ocean and they will always remember the sand that they came in on and will then lay their eggs in the same location. So we sent these Tortugas off and it was fun making sure they all floated away into the ocean.
That night Pepe told us that if we walked down the beach we are staying at we might be able to find a Mama Tortuga laying her eggs. We walked about a mile and a half down and was about to turn back, when we spotted her. She had dug down and as she was laying her eggs she would cover them with sand and pat them down. It was pitch black and all you could her was her patting down the sand like a drum. We stood back until she started heading back to the ocean and she let us pet her. Don't worry we have all of our fingers still!
Wednesday, September 29, 2010
Beinvenidos Mexico
Posted by Jessica and Todd at 11:17 AM 0 comments
Sunday, September 5, 2010
Front Yard Reveal
Last weekend Todd and I landscaped our front yard with my Dad's design. Here is our before!
Todd picking out plants at the nursery.
Here it is all laid out.Todd even put lighting in, I was so impressed. Once we got all the lighting in we found out it is not very common around our neighborhood. The kids in our block didn't understand why our tree's needed lights. They think it is so Todd and I can climb our trees at night! haha
A night shot. It really doesn't do it justice with my camera.
Posted by Jessica and Todd at 12:43 PM 4 comments
Wednesday, September 1, 2010
Lambliz designs
Before my Mom had us kids and took over the business side of Natural Landscaping, she was a graphic designer. Now she is back at it with some really cool ideas. She did this "P.S. I love you" vinyl sticker for us in our guest bedroom.
I asked if she would do a large "E" so I could do a custom front door mat. So if you get inspired let me know and I can put an order in with my Mom;)
All you would need for the front door mat is a solid mat, cut out letter or numbers (House number could be cute), spray paint and some tape.
Here is my layout before I spray painted it. For the "E" I just taped it down using double sided tape.When you spray it make sure you are spraying it above and not at an angle so it doesn't get under your tape or letter.
Peel it all off and you have a pretty cool custom door mat!
Posted by Jessica and Todd at 7:36 AM 3 comments