Todd and I met up with Emily and Cameron in Madrid. We then rented a car and went to Portugal where we then traveled the coast back around into Spain. It was a blast until we heard about the Volcano in Iceland and that flights were being canceled. Normally this might not have been such a big deal. But, we planned this trip dangerously close to our flight back to the States. Our flight did end up getting canceled. So what did we do? We did what our parents told us never to do. We picked up 2 hitch hikers to pay for the cost and made the 18 hour drive straight back to Germany. From there we grabbed Lola and then went another 3 hours up to Frankfurt to catch our flight home. Here are some pictures of our trip below.

Ronda, Spain
This was the most beautiful town.

We had to get the full experience of Spain. I think I had my eyes closed most of the time and Todd was cheering for the bull.

Emily: "Where is Todd and Jess"
Cameron: "Just look for the only boat out there where the guy is not leisurely rowing."
Todd did make it to the other end and back in 5 minutes. Pretty impressive when other boats are crashing into yours and vice-versa.

Em and Todd being silly. Not really sure now what was so funny, but at the time it was hilarious.
